Friday, December 15, 2017

QblePon is the best game

The best game.
I want to fix a problem with the internet.  First of all, I think we can all agree that QblePon is the best game.

But the thing is, I searched for a list of QblePon characters on the internet and as far as I can tell there isn't one.  This is ridiculous, people.  There's a list of animals with fraudulent diplomas, for Pete's sake.  Where is someone to go when they can't remember which QblePon character has the floppy disk in its head?  (It's Stanchmode)

So I'm here to help.  Please enjoy below a list of all the known QblePon characters.  There are probably more, but these are the ones that Hector mentioned when he described the epic game that he and This Kid played, which come to think of it may be the only game of QblePon ever played.

Before we begin, a little bit about the game itself.  It's a card game.  We know that two players can play it, and they sort of mostly take turns.  The characters seem to have a single stat: Something the range of one to five.  Also, in this episode of the TV show, it is revealed that Twirbirdler can do an attack called "Gashing Slice".  It is not known how the attack works in the game.

Well that's enough details, let's see some characters.  You know you want to look at them.  Here they are in alphabetical order:

Stat: 5
"My main man and yours."
Hard to stop thinking about.

Stat: 3
"All day long."
Combo: Good with Feedems (Jersey) and Feedems (Raw).

Feedems (Jersey)
Stat: 3
See also: Feedems.

Feedems (Raw)
Stat: 3
See also: Feedems.

Stat: 3
"Not actually a QblePon character."
Actually, a QblePon character.

Stat: 5
Combo: Can be played with Skweezout.

Stat: 1

Stat: 1
"Some fourth level beeswax."
Not the best card to start with.

Seemingly Sam
Stat: 2

Stat: 2
Combo: Can be played with Pantso.

Stat: 5

Stat: 4

Stat: 3
Attack: "Gashing Slice"

Stat: 1
May not have been played in Hector's game.

Zock Click
Stat: 3

There, problem solved.

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